Weapon Academy

Sword introduction course (K0)

The focus of the course is the etiquette, forehand, basic stances, cuts and parries of Japanese swords.

The katana is not a simple weapon - it is the embodiment of the warrior spirit of the samurai. Its strength and elegance are respected all over the world. In Bujinkan schools, the sword is not a sacred object, but a tool for survival. The origin of the schools goes back to the times before the Edo period, when the sword played only a secondary role in battles. But even so, the basis of all Bujinkan ko-ryu (old school) is the science of swordsmanship.

This course does not tolerate half-truths. We start from the basics, but our goal is for you to learn to master the sword - and with it yourself. It's not enough just to swing the sword: you'll learn cuts, parries, and fighting stances, but there's more waiting for you - the sword must become a part of you.

The purpose of the foundation course is to equip you with theoretical and practical knowledge that can stand up to any situation. We don't teach fairy tales, but how to carry, use and protect the sword. There is no half-heartedness here: the goal is to master the correct posture, precise cuts and parries. By the end, you'll string together the moves and be ready to truly understand the art of fighting.

In the practical part, we will use wooden practice swords. We provide each practitioner with their own device, which is included in the price of the course.

The aim of the course:

  • using the sword from the basics,
  • provides an introduction to the evolution of the sword (Tsurugi, Tachi, Katana...),
  • introduces traditional Japanese sword etiquette,
  • carrying and drawing the sword
  • precise, perfect posture during combat
  • different types of cuts and parries

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kard (katana) kurzus (k0)

Course details

Date of course

2024. szeptember 24.

Number of occasions

4 alkalom edzés, keddenként 17:00-18:00 óra között

Application deadline



39.000 Ft / fő (regisztrációkor fizetendő), mely az edzéseken túl minden jelentkezőnek tartalmazza a nyomtatott tananyagokat, és egy fa gyakorló kardot (bokken) a hozzá tartozó műanyag kardhüvellyel. (a kardot természetesen mindenki megtarthatja)

Final exam

A vizsga egy külön meghirdetett időpontban kerül megrendezésre, aminek a sikeres teljesítése esetén diplomát adunk. A vizsga megléte alapfeltétele a kurzus további szintjeihez való csatlakozásnak.

application condition

Nem szükséges előképzettség, ennek a szintnek pontosan az a célja, hogy megtanítsa az alapokat.
