By compiling the dictionary, I would like to provide a little help to the students of the dojo so that they can more easily understand the expressions used in training. The Japanese language is not one of the simplest languages in the world, with three completely different sets of punctuation marks. So I just set out to put together a simple table, where the Latin transcription of the words...
According to popular belief, they are assassins in feudal Japan. Historians who study the history of the island country can't really agree on exactly when the ninja community was created and who it consisted of. Since these people liked to be in the background and the current power…
A Bugacon tartandó tavaszi tábor fő témája a kés és a kusari fundo lesz.
Bár a régi harcművészeti iskolák tematikájában (Bugei jūhappan) ritkán szerepelt külön a késharc, mégis gyakran kerül elő edzéseken ez a fegyver itthon és Japánban egyaránt. Gyakorló harcművészként tisztában kell lennünk a kés…
We start learning the movement material of Ninjutsu with Tai jutsu, i.e. bare-handed practice, and then learn to use weapons based on this. That is why our martial art system was named Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. Tai means body, Jutsu the art, which suggests that a properly prepared body during a fight…
The examination custom differs from dōjō to dōjō. Hatsumi sensei did not set any specific exam requirements, leaving it up to the discretion of the instructors. Bujinkan is very liberal in this respect. There are places where it is donated, and there are places where the number of completed trainings is linked to obtaining the next degree. Baptism of Fire - White Belt Exam This is…
The use of weapons in Ninjutsu differs in many respects from that of other martial arts. Some of our nine schools, which were formed on the battlefields, emphasize traditional weapons, such as the yari or the tachi in Kukishinden ryu. However, the approach of the ninja schools is completely different, thanks to their formation...
According to popular belief, they are assassins in feudal Japan. Historians who study the history of the island country can't really agree on exactly when the ninja community was created and who it consisted of. Since these people liked to be in the background and the current power…
Bujinkan is a martial arts organization based in Japan, now known all over the world, which has its own fighting style called Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu. Bujinkan itself in its current form has existed since the 1970s, but it does not really belong to the family of modern Japanese martial arts, because its foundations are laid by our grandmaster...
With the tables and descriptions below, I would like to present the nine old schools (koryu) that make up the Bujinkan, thereby making its technical structure more transparent. The list is far from complete, certain weapons and oral teachings (kuden) are not listed. I won't give precise technical descriptions either, because Hatsumi sensei's "Unarmed fighting...