Specwog is an elite organisation whose primary goal is to provide maximum military training to both members of the armed forces and civilians who are committed to their own security.
The founder is Dean Rostohar, the head of the Croatian Bujinkan Seishin Dojo ninjutsu school, who served in the Special Forces during the South Slavic war and later as a police officer. Combining his experience in warfare with the principles of ninjutsu martial arts, he created the Specwog organisation, which teaches modern combat techniques to police and military units (e.g. FBI, Navy Seal) worldwide. Today, Specwog training is also available to civilians.
modern martial arts and ninjutsu?
The main task of special warfare units is to defend the interests of the country, using people with special military training. Their activities include sabotage, espionage, reconnaissance and other special operations. Their tasks are not suitable for conventional military forces.
Ninjutsu, as a martial art system, focuses on survival techniques and self-defence. Many of these principles and martial art techniques can be applied in modern combat situations.
- Tactical situational analysis: ninjutsu places great emphasis on tactical situational analysis, i.e. what combat tactics to use in what environment and under what circumstances.
- Stealth and concealment: students of ninjutsu are proficient in the practice of stealth, concealment and camouflage. These skills can be particularly useful in modern warfare when a surprise attack is required.
- Stabbing and cutting techniques: ninjutsu employs a number of stabbing and cutting techniques that are highly effective in close combat. The practice and application of these techniques helps to maintain physical integrity.
- Self-defence techniques. Examples of such self-defence techniques include grappling, parries, throws and takedowns.
Ninjutsu requires commitment, perseverance and years of practice before students are able to apply the techniques in real life. However, it is important to note that in modern combat situations, ninjutsu can only be effectively applied with proper military training and practice.
Why is specwog useful to you?
Specwog is not only a military training tool for the armed forces. If you are a civilian and want to prepare for self-defence and modern combat situations, you can learn how to use a variety of weapons such as firearms, knives and sticks.
Of course, the full knowledge base of Specwog isn't accessible to everyone, but that's perhaps just as well - as civilians, we're rarely thrown out of helicopters behind enemy lines.
However, during basic training, you will learn how to use what are considered basic weapons - how to use them in a live situation, and how to move tactically with them.
Let's see what this means in practice!
- If you come home to find your front door open or wake up at night to noises in your home, you'll be able to search the building properly and safely.
- With the abolition of conscription, the majority of the military-age population will have no knowledge of weapons whatsoever. You, however, will have no problem checking whether a gun is loaded, or how to cock, aim and fire it, even in an emergency.
- When walking in a bad neighbourhood, you will be able to confidently assess who in your surroundings is approaching with bad intentions, posing a potential threat (e.g. carrying a concealed weapon). You will also be able to make the right decisions about how to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Training courses
The Seijin Dojo is organised by Dean Rostohar to hold several training courses each year, of which there are two main types: courses and seminars.
Here you can learn how to fight with your hands and how to use different weapons - knife, gun, rifle, short stick. The courses are modular and build on each other. For example, for pistols, the first levels teach basic handling and movement, while the advanced levels focus on combat situations and tactical movements.
They cover topics that are not part of the courses, such as bodyguard work or the combined use of different weapons. These seminars are open to all interested parties, but a clean criminal record and mental fitness are required. For modular courses, a prerequisite may be completion of a previous course or an exam.
How to join?
By clicking on the advertised event in our programme calendar and filling in the registration form. But if you would like to take private lessons, you can do so with Gábor Darányi.
Dean Rostohar

Dean most often defines himself as a fighter, veteran and protector. He was born in Zagreb in 1965 and has lived there ever since. He started practising martial arts in 1975 - achieving master's degrees in several disciplines. He first encountered ninjutsu in 1986. In 1993 he opened the first ninjutsu dojo in Croatia, at the special request of the Grand Master of Bujinkan budo ninjutsu (Soke).
From 1991 he participated in the South Slavic War as a member of a special unit. During one operation, deep behind enemy lines, he suffered serious injuries. He owes his life to many years of training and his own willpower. He has received numerous medals, including from the Croatian President himself.
After the war, he concentrated on teaching his martial arts and training the various armed forces. He also boasts a tactical knife of his own design.