Short sword, knife course (K4)
The focus of the course is on the short sword and knife used in classical Japanese martial arts.

In addition to the long sword, the samurai also carried one or two shorter blades. These could be shorter swords, knives, or even both. These weapons were not just accessories to the long sword: they also held their own in battle. In this course we study techniques where the defender only has a short blade. (We will learn how to use the long and short sword together later, at the K5 level.)
The short sword is a weapon of survival. Some social groups, such as merchants, were not allowed to carry long swords, but the short sword could be at their side to protect themselves from robbers. Even the samurai could not always wear the katana - if they came to a guest, they left the long sword outside and only the shorter blade could be brought inside. This was a serious disadvantage in the event of an attack. However, the short blade can be just as deadly if you know how to use it.

Another focus of the course is the Japanese knife (tanto). It is especially important to learn how to use a knife, because it is one of the most common and dangerous weapons you will encounter in the modern world. In the old schools, knife fighting was rarely taught separately, but tanto was always in the fighters' repertoire. As a practicing fighter, it is essential that you are aware of the effective use of the knife because this weapon may come up against you at any time in life.
Detailed topics:
- An introduction to the various Japanese short bladed weapons
- Use of short swords and knives during combat (draw, cut, stab)
- Create a combat routine with simple but effective exercises
- Short sword (kodachi) techniques of Kukishinden Ryu

Limited number of places available, don't miss out
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rövid kard és kés kurzus (K4)
Course details
Date of course
Number of occasions
Application deadline
49.000 Ft / fő (regisztrációkor fizetendő), mely az edzéseken túl minden jelentkezőnek tartalmazza a nyomtatott tananyagokat, egy fém gyakorló rövid kardot (wakizashi), és egy fa gyakorló kést (tanto). (a kardot, és a kést természetesen mindenki megtarthatja)
Final exam
A vizsga egy külön meghirdetett időpontban kerül megrendezésre, aminek a sikeres teljesítése esetén diplomát adunk. A vizsga megléte alapfeltétele a kurzus ötödik (K5) és hatodik (K6) szintjeihez való csatlakozásnak.
jelentkezés feltételle
Sikeres vizsga a Kard bevezető (K0) szintből, vagy minimum 5. kyu fokozat megszerzése a Bujinkan-ban.