
Ninjutsu trainings

Budo basic training

The basic self-defence training is open to beginners and advanced students. The technical repertoire for these training sessions includes: falls, rolls, punches, kicks, defenses, throws, stretches, escapes (from body grabs, chokes, hand grabs), self-defence fighting tricks (e.g. oyagoroshi).

Thematic Trainings

It is primarily for our members who want to deepen their knowledge of our martial arts. Here is the opportunity to learn in depth about the traditional schools of Bujinkan (ryu). To study various weapons that do not have densho (written curriculum). As well as the development of skills that a warrior might need.


Basic self-defence training: on Mondays 18:00-19:30 and Thursdays 17:30-19:00 Thematic training: Mondays 19:00-20:00 and Wednesdays 18:00-19:00, 19:00-20:00


You can buy a monthly rental for our basic self-defence training (17.000 HUF/month) or 3000Ft/per session. Our thematic trainings have different prices, which you can find out about on the spot or in our events section.

Limited number of places available, don't miss out

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Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu


Ninjutsu: The art of survival and self-defence, the way of the warrior.


To become a true warrior, it is not enough to be physically strong: you must also master your heart, mind and body. Ninjutsu is not just a system of techniques, it is a way of life. It pushes you out of your comfort zone, teaches you to recognise problems, see possibilities and achieve your goals, while constantly adapting to your circumstances.

What do you need to walk the path of battle (budo)?Well, to be a warrior (bushi, musha). To make sense of this in our society today, let's examine what fighting (bu) is.

The 武 (bu) for "fight" is broken down into two additional punctuation marks, one for tomeru (止) to stop, the other for hoko (戈) the spear. So the real purpose of fighting is to stop the attack, to ward off the danger that is coming at us.

Stopping an attack is no easy task. In fact, in any emergency situation, it is not easy to react properly. It requires proper preparation, special training. We will guide you step by step along the way. To be able to go the way of the warriors, we must certainly improve in three areas.

First of all, one needs the right attitude, which one can achieve by developing a good heart (shin, 心 ). One must be persistent and face challenges with courage. And courage is not the absence of fear. One who faces a real attack and is not afraid is a fool. Courage is knowing that something is dangerous, but doing what you have to do anyway.

Then you need to have the right technique (gi, waza, 技). Here, besides diligence, patience and humility are needed. In the beginning, the techniques are performed slowly, with the aim of ensuring that the movements are correctly anchored and to avoid accidents. But over time, you need to get to the point where you can perform them quickly and confidently, even on a resisting opponent.

Finally, you need a well-trained body (tai, 体) that can perform those techniques properly. Such a body is flexible and strong at the same time, and is capable of persistent work. To control it, you need a high degree of body awareness and a sense of balance.

A harcművészetek világában erre az egységre úgy szoktak hivatkozni, mint ShinGiTai. These training sessions are designed to develop these three areas simultaneously

To condition the body, we perform exercises with intense repetitions (kicking, for example), and the technical elements are practiced in deep stances, which both strengthens the legs, increases balance and mobilizes the hips. In the self-defence parts, we try to put the defender under pressure so that he learns to overcome his fear and be able to work under pressure.

The first training is free

