Ninjutsu: The art of survival, the way of the warrior.

To become a true warrior, it is not enough to be physically strong: you must also master your heart, mind and body. Ninjutsu is not just a system of techniques, it is a way of life. It pushes you out of your comfort zone, teaches you to recognise problems, see possibilities and achieve your goals, while constantly adapting to your circumstances.
A ninjutsu, hivatalos nevén a Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu, egy japán harcművészeti ág, ami autentikus ninja és szamuráj hagyományokat ötvözve született. Elsajátításához elengedhetetlen, hogy a harcos az emberi lét három alapelemét: a szívét, a testét és az elméjét tökéletesen kontrollálja. A ninjutsu egyfajta szemlélet, kimozdít a komfortzónából, megtanítja felismerni a problémás helyzeteket, átlátni a lehetséges megoldásokat. Olyan mozgásokra alapoz, amelyek készség szinten minden emberben megtalálhatóak, segít levetkőzni a megszokások korlátait, melyeket a társadalomban támasztanak az egyénnel szemben. Nem csak a harctéren, hanem a mindennapokban is megmutatja az utat. Kilépsz a komfortzónádból, megtanulod felismerni a veszélyes helyzeteket, és minden akadályban lehetőséget látsz.

The basics of ninjutsu are in all of us: instinctive movements that have been passed down through the millennia. It is a martial art that teaches you to unleash these abilities and shed the limitations that society places on you. You must be open to understand what ninjutsu really means. It is more than a fighting system - it is a philosophy of life that defines how you face life.
"The essence of all martial arts and military strategy is self-defence and the avoidance of danger. The art of the ninja is not limited to the protection of the physical body, but equally important is the protection of the spirit and the soul. The ninja's way is to endure, to survive, and to master all that can destroy. More than simply punching and slashing, far more than outsmarting your opponent, ninjutsu teaches you how to achieve your goals while making the world a better place." Takamatsu Toshitsugu, 33rd Grandmaster of Togakure ryū, 忍術秘訣文 Ninjutsu Hiketsu Bun

Legend has it that people learned the secrets of ninjutsu from the tengu (天狗), the half-man, half-bird deities (kami). These creatures are the patron saints of forests and mountains and can fly, perform magic and martial arts. This legend is closely linked to an esoteric Buddhist movement, Shugendō. Using this legend, ninja easily became known as possessing superhuman abilities.
It took a long time from the age of myth to develop ninjutsu into a mature, well-defined system. Over the centuries it has been influenced by many influences and has incorporated all the major technical and scientific innovations into its repertoire.
According to the current Grandmaster of Togakure ryu, the first people to have a significant influence on the development of ninjutsu were the people who, during the Tang Dynasty, fled war persecution from what was then China to the forested mountainous regions of Japan to live in peace. Among these refugees were many warlords and clergymen who brought with them their experience and knowledge of warfare and spiritual teachings, which were considered outstanding in their time. They then merged with the locals, who were often also fleeing from power to impassable lands, to create ninjutsu.

Many people wrongly believe that ninjas were ruthless assassins. In reality, the ninja was a survivor who used his fighting skills only when necessary and sought above all to live a peaceful life. The portrayal of them as ruthless killers is in stark contrast to the fact that the followers of this way of life were educated men, true warrior-philosophers, capable of defending themselves if necessary, even at the cost of fighting.
According to Hatsumi sensei, the ninja were people who wanted to maintain their independence in a feudal Japanese society, which was bound by strict social norms, and who did their utmost to live in harmony with nature and in peace with their families.

Seijin Dojo is one of the officially registered dojo of Bujinkan, has been operating since 1994. At the beginning, the training was held in Csillaghegy under the leadership of Attila Bognár and György Csics, and since 2007, under the leadership of Gábor Darányi, in the centre of Budapest. We are in the lucky position to be the first in Hungary to open our own Ninjutsu gym in 2009. We have a valid Bujinkan membership, which we renew every year during our trip to Japan. Members of the dojo have now been studying regularly in Japan for many years at the Ninjutsu centre in Honbu dojo.