Weapon Academy

ninja sword course

The aim of the course is to give you an insight into the techniques of the ninjato - the ninja sword, which is not just a weapon, but a survival tool.

Many people identify the Japanese ninja with black clothes, a straight sword and a throwing star - this is the image created by the film industry. But the reality is much more exciting than that. In the Bujinkan schools, Togakure Ryu's sword techniques are based on the legendary ninja sword, the ninjato, which is not the straight sword mistakenly shown in the movies, but a shorter, curved blade - faster and more deadly than longer katanas.

In ninja combat, he used his sword as more than just a weapon. Every part of it—the scabbard, the grip, the sageo (rigging)—served one purpose: survival. The ninja's sword was practically a tool as well - a ladder, a crowbar, and even a useful object during stealth. This sword is more than a cutting weapon - it's a survival tool that can be used in any situation.

The ninja sword style is fundamentally different from other forms of fighting. The sword was shorter than the enemy, so the ninja's fighting style was based on speed, cleverness and escape. Togakure Ryu isn't about defeating the enemy head-on - it's about surviving at all costs and gaining the upper hand. For the ninja, fighting is not glory, but the art of survival. This is not a respectful duel - this is a game of life and death.

In the practical part, we will use wooden practice swords. We provide each practitioner with their own device, which is included in the price of the course.

Course objectives:

  • Learning and using ninjato, also known as shinobigatana
  • The secrets of wearing a ninja sword and special preemption techniques that you can use to surprise your opponents
  • 6 basic form exercises of Togakure Ryu - because here you learn not only the sword, but the strategy of survival
  • The technique of throwing a sword - because sometimes a single throw is the difference between life and death
  • Tactics against overpowering
  • Sneak and hide with a sword
  • Special uses of saya (sword scabbard) and sageo (rope) such as metsubushi (blinding powder) to blind your opponent

This course prepares you to use your sword like a ninja: quickly, efficiently, and most of all, cunningly.

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Ninja kard kurzus

Course details

Date of course

2025.január.10., 11., 17., 24., 25., 31. és február 7.

Number of occasions

A kurzus összesen 7 alkalomból áll. Az edzések hossza 1 óra 15 perc, online részvétel lehetséges. A kezdési időpontok pénteki napokon 17:00 óra, szombati napokon 10:00 óra.

Application deadline

2025. jan. 3.


61.000 Ft / fő (regisztrációkor fizetendő), mely az edzéseken túl minden jelentkezőnek tartalmazza a nyomtatott tananyagokat, egy fa gyakorló ninja kardot (bokken) és a ninja kardhoz való 3 méteres sageo kötelet. (a kardot természetesen mindenki megtarthatja)

Final exam

A vizsga egy külön meghirdetett időpontban kerül megrendezésre, aminek a sikeres teljesítése esetén diplomát adunk. A vizsga megléte alapfeltétele a Kard shinkengata (K6) szinthez való csatlakozásnak.

jelentkezés feltételle

Sikeres vizsga a Kard bevezető (K0) szintből, vagy minimum 5. kyu fokozat megszerzése a Bujinkan-ban.
