The basics of self-defence - how to start?

Self-defence is not just about techniques, it is also a more conscious approach to life that gives you security, confidence and peace of mind in everyday life. At Seijin Dojo, we believe that the practice of self-defence is accessible to everyone, regardless of age or physical condition. In this article, we will cover the basics to help you get started on this journey.

Why is self-defence important?

Self-defence is not just a skill, it is also a kind of mental preparedness. Learning basic self-defence techniques can help:

  • Preparing for the unexpected: knowing how to protect yourself or a loved one is a skill that can give you peace of mind and security.
  • Recognise and avoid conflict: the best form of self-defence is to avoid dangerous situations.
  • Increase your confidence: attackers often look for weak people. Increasing confidence and assertiveness can reduce the chances of someone becoming a victim.

Basics of self-defence

Learning self-defence should always start with the basics, which are:

  • Run: if you have the opportunity, the best solution is to avoid violent situations and flee to safety.
  • Consciousness Self-defence requires constant attention to our environment. Pay attention to the behaviour of the people around you, the characteristics of the location, and avoid potentially dangerous situations.
  • Posture and non-verbal communication A straight posture, firm steps and confidence can significantly reduce the chance of an attack.
  • Simple Technical Fundamentals
  1. Release: learn simple tricks to help you escape if you get caught.
  2. Ütések és rúgások: az önvédelem alapjai közé tartozik az is, hogy gyorsan és hatékonyan reagáljunk, ha támadás ér.
  3. Key parts of the body: know which areas are sensitive (e.g. eyes, throat, groin) and learn to target them.

Instant Use Tips

  1. Keep your mobile phone with you at all times: make sure your phone is charged and you know the local emergency numbers.

2. Avoid busy places: if possible, always go to places where there are lots of people. Do not make it easy for the attacker.

3. Carry a flashlight: A small flashlight is not only handy, but can also be used for self-defense because it fits easily in your hand and the pain of a blow from a flashlight can surprise your attacker.

4. Shout loudly: If someone is threatening you, don't be afraid to ask for help loudly. Noise often scares off attackers.

5. Don't let your attacker get close: Always keep a safe distance from people you don't know, especially at night or in deserted places.

6. Know how to say no: If someone tries to manipulate you or make you uncomfortable, don't be afraid to say no firmly.

7. Use a bag, an umbrella or any other device: A woman's bag or backpack, or even a simple umbrella, can be used to ward off an attack. Anything can be used as a weapon.

8. Know your escape routes: Whether at home or on the street, always play with the idea of how you could quickly escape from a dangerous situation.

Preparing the Body Physically

It would be irresponsible to think that self-defence only requires mental preparation. Courage and self-confidence, or even a vast technical repertoire, are of little use if your body is not physically trained to the right level. You don't need to have muscles to match those of an athlete, but there is a level below which you are bound to become a victim. Good physical condition helps:

  • React faster: A stronger, more toned body allows for faster and more precise movements.
  • Holding on: A conflict situation is not just about a single move, but about physically holding on.
  • Boosting confidence: Experience and success in training contributes to confidence.

At Seijin Dojo, we build our training on the foundations of ninjutsu. This Japanese martial art not only helps you to learn techniques, but also to develop stamina, flexibility and strength. During ninjutsu training you will learn the:

  • Position and movement: This is the basis of all self-defence techniques.
  • Protection techniques: To avoid injury if you land on the ground.
  • Using the environment: How to use elements of your environment to your advantage in an attack.

The holistic approach of ninjutsu also helps us to be mentally and emotionally prepared for unexpected situations. This martial art is not only about self-defence, but also about how to live more consciously and confidently in everyday life.

self-defence with ninjutsu Everyone Can Learn


It is important to stress that anyone - regardless of age or gender - can learn the basics. The key is you. Regular practice, commitment and perseverance.

At Seijin Dojo we take a personalized approach to teaching, taking into account individual abilities and goals. The first steps are always the hardest, but with us you will find a supportive community to help you overcome obstacles.

Don't be afraid to start! Just the first few workouts can make a huge difference to how you feel in your own skin and how confident you are to face the challenges of everyday life. Learning self-defence is not just a useful skill, it's a way to know yourself better.

Final Thoughts

Self-defence is not about a single technique or tool, but about a vision. Our goal at Seijin Dojo is to make this knowledge available to everyone and help you feel safe wherever you are. If you would like to start learning self-defence or want to learn more about this field, we welcome you! Start now and experience how you can become more confident, stronger and more aware!

The most important thing is not to doubt yourself - the potential is within you and with the right support you can do anything. The first step may seem daunting. But every movement you learn with us brings you closer to living a fuller, safer and more harmonious life.

Join us for a trial training and start your own journey in the exciting world of self-defense and ninjutsu!
