The Seijin Dojo, like all martial arts schools, focuses not only on the development of technical skills, but also on the personality, behaviour and respectful attitude of the students. Understanding and following etiquette and basic rules is not just an empty, meaningless requirement. Hosszútávon nagyban hozzájárul a tanuló fejlődéséhez is. Below are the most important rules of conduct and expectations that will help you become a worthy member of the dojo community.
Respect for the Dojo
The dojo is a place for the practice of martial arts, which is not only a place for physical development, but also for mental and spiritual development. When you enter, you should always have a respectful attitude. Before stepping onto the tatami, stand at the threshold and wait for the instructor to signal when you may enter. Afterwards, a polite greeting of "Rei" (bowing) to the instructor and kamidana will help you show your respect for the dojo and its spirit.
- Quiet entry: respecting the dojo also means not bringing in chaos. Before and after entering, always pause for a moment and let go of the day's worries. You are not only hindering your own progress, but also that of your peers if you are distracted while training. Teachers and peers should not be disturbed, so try to minimise noise, talking and unnecessary movement.
- Imagine you are entering a "sacred" place: respect for the dojo is important not only on arrival, but throughout the training. Be mindful of your every move, and respect the purpose and spirit of the place.
- Commitment:The Seijin Dojo expects students to be committed and regular in their training and to practice what they have learned in their training at home - constantly striving to improve.

Respect for Teachers
The teacher (sensei) is not only the dojo, but also the guide of your development. Your respect for him or her is the basis for his or her ability to teach you. In addition, recognition of the teacher's knowledge and experience helps to build mutual trust.
- Accepting opinions and criticisms: Accept your sensei's feedback, even if you don't agree with it there and then! Constructive criticism is meant to help you on your way, it should not be taken as an insult. Don't let your ego undermine the learning process.
- Full attention: listen to what the teacher says or shows you and follow it. If you think about it, you are not really being submissive to the sensei, but to yourself. If you are sloppy when copying a technique or movement, perhaps overruling the instructor, you are ultimately hindering the success of yourself and your technique. Believe me, even the little things like where your feet are positioned will make a difference. If you have a question, you can indicate it with a show of hands, but don't distract your training partner by talking either.
- Thank you: When the teacher finishes the training, the training ends with a polite bow. You thank him for teaching and he thanks you for your attention and trust. At Seijin Dojo, you are not taught by trainers, but by teachers who take the time before the training to structure the training session in a way that is most accessible and easy for you to learn. The use of the phrase "Arigatou gozaimashita" (thank you very much) helps to reinforce mutual respect and trust.
Respect for the training partner
Learning martial arts is not an individual activity, but also a communal experience. In the dojo community, it is expected that everyone treats each other with respect and consideration. Only then can the atmosphere be supportive and productive.
- Courtesy and assistance: as everyone is at a different level, advanced budokas need to help beginners. However, avoid excessive guidance. Everyone should experience the steps you have already climbed.
- Mutual respect: there is a lot of swapping of pairs during training to gain experience (e.g. it is different to perform a technique on a tall person and a short person at the beginning). Before pairing up, a quick, polite bow is a sign of mutual respect, which is required even if the partner is younger or less experienced. The dojo ethos is based on cooperation.
- Fight etiquette: when practising techniques, do not risk injury and always try to work in a safe and controlled manner. However, it is important to remember that injury and pain are not the same thing. Pain is a natural part of martial arts training.
- Focus: Stay focused and concentrated during your workout, don't waste your own or your partner's training time.
Discipline and self-discipline
The martial arts are based on discipline and self-discipline, which is also evident beyond the training work.
- Arrive on time: keeping appointments is important to respect the dojo. Arrive on time before your training session to allow time to change and have a few words with your fellow members. During training time this is not allowed. If you cannot come, please inform your teacher in advance.
- Arrive prepared: 1-2 training sessions a week are not enough to keep you going. At Seijin Dojo, you'll get all the information and help you need to do your homework at home. What you learn in training, you must practice at home, on your own. If you don't do this and have to show and tell the same things over and over again in training, you will hinder the progress of the group.
Relation to the Dojo

The dojo, as a place of martial arts learning, is a special space. Respecting the dojo is not only about the physical space, but also about the attitude.
- A harcművészeti edzések nem akkor érnek véget, amikor az óra befejeződött. Mielőtt rohannál az öltözőbe, még van feladatod:
- Az eszközök (pl. botok, kardok, kések, ütőpárnák stb.) tisztán és rendbentartása elvárás, mivel ezek a tanulás eszközei. Mindig ügyelj arra, hogy használat után a helyére tedd őket vissza és gondoskodj a fertőtlenítésükről is. Ez bármelyik gym-ben is elvárás, nálunk is az.
- Rendetlenségben oldódik a fegyelem. A dojo tisztántartása is hozzátartozik az etiketthez. Nem kell nagytakarításd végezned, hiszen ezt a feladatot a dojo megoldja. Azonban, ha végeztél az edzéssel, söpörd fel a tatamit, szedd össze a szemeted, ne hagyd szanaszét a dolgaidat. A dojo egy különleges tér és különleges bánásmódot követel meg tőled.
- A dojo nem csak az edzőteremből áll, hozzá tartozik az öltöző, a konyha és a közösségi tér, sőt az edzőtársak is. A te felelősséged is, hogy ezek is rendben legyenek. Ahogy hozzászoksz, hogy rendben tartod és tisztelettel kezeled a dojot, megérted, hogy az edzésmunkádban és az életedben is erre a rendre van szükséged.
Final Thoughts
The dojo etiquette is not only about following the rules, but also about reflecting our approach to martial arts. Respectful behavior, appreciation for teachers and peers, and self-discipline and discipline all contribute to successful learning. If you follow these basic rules, you will not only respect the spirit of the dojo, but also respect yourself and your own development.
Join us for a trial training and start your own journey in the exciting world of self-defense and ninjutsu!