This course builds on the three basic stick weapons of classical Japanese martial arts.

Why is the stick a good weapon?
Because it's simple, brutally effective, and anyone can learn it quickly. Striking with a wooden stick? It's easy. And you can do some serious damage to your opponent with that alone. Although using a baton can be deadly, it's not necessarily so - which is why it's a popular weapon for law enforcement. Plus, it's cheap and ubiquitous. An umbrella, vacuum cleaner hose or rolled-up newspaper can become a weapon in your hands.

If you want to join the Thread Weapons course, you must first pass the Introductory Bot (B0) level. The basic moves of the long stick are essential to understand the thread weapons such as the naginata, yari or bissento. If you don't have this, you won't be able to master the techniques.
Course structure (click for details)
- Stick introduction (B0)
- Stick fight against bare-handed attack (B1)
- Hanbo jutsu against a weapon (B2)
- Kukishin Ryu Bojutsu (B3)
- Amatsu Bo jutsu (B4)
- Jo jutsu (B5)